
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Renew Sunday Message: Exodus - The Rise of Moses Week 1
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Today Pastor Bartley Sawatsky kicks off our new series Exodus: The Rise of Moses. The book of Exodus is foundational to the story of God's relationship with humanity. The pivotal events recorded in the second book of the Bible demonstrate God's great love for His people by rescuing them from slavery in Egypt, forming them into a nation and establishing a covenant with them. In the first 7 chapters we’ll see how God chose Moses – an abandoned child in a dangerous time who later commits murder as an adult – and redeemed his life to make him into Israel's great prophet, emancipator and leader. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Resurrection Sunday Message: The Blessings for Those Who Linger
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
This week, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky presents a special Easter message entitled, "The Blessings for Those Who Linger". On this Resurrection Sunday, we will be reminded by Mary Magdalene of the blessings that come from taking a little bit longer to contemplate the resurrection story. (John 20:11-18) We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Ekklesia, Week 4: Belonging to the Church
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
This week, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky concludes our series "Ekklesia: Find Your Life in a Bigger Family" as he speaks on the topic, "Belonging to the Church". ---- The flock. The bride. The body. A lampstand. A family. The church has been described in many ways. The common theme in all these metaphors is that when we belong to the church, we are connected to something greater than ourselves. What exactly is it that we belong to and why? For what purpose? In this series we’ll explore what we can learn about the many facets of the church from Scripture and history. Then we’ll apply what we learn to the specific context of our local church family at Renew. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there! Our Renew Kids program for elementary school and junior high students provides biblical and spiritual foundations using interactive learning, stories, videos, drama, games and crafts.

Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Ekklesia, Week 3: Practice & Functioning of the Church
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
This week, Pastor Philip Bryant of Community of Hope, Surrey, BC, continues our series "Ekklesia: Find Your Life in a Bigger Family" as he speaks on the topic "Practice & Functioning of the Church". ---- The flock. The bride. The body. A lampstand. A family. The church has been described in many ways. The common theme in all these metaphors is that when we belong to the church, we are connected to something greater than ourselves. What exactly is it that we belong to and why? For what purpose? In this series we’ll explore what we can learn about the many facets of the church from Scripture and history. Then we’ll apply what we learn to the specific context of our local church family at Renew. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Ekklesia, Week 2: Origins & History of the Church
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
This week, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky continues our series "Ekklesia: Find Your Life in a Bigger Family" as he speaks on the topic "Origins & History of the Church". Our scripture reference is Mathew 16:13-20. The flock. The bride. The body. A lampstand. A family. The church has been described in many ways. The common theme in all these metaphors is that when we belong to the church, we are connected to something greater than ourselves. What exactly is it that we belong to and why? For what purpose? In this series we’ll explore what we can learn about the many facets of the church from Scripture and history. Then we’ll apply what we learn to the specific context of our local church family at Renew. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Ekklesia, Week 1: What Is the Church?
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
This week, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky kicks off our new series "Ekklesia: Find Your Life in a Bigger Family" as he speaks on the topic "What Is the Church?". Our scripture reference is Mathew 16:13-20. The flock. The bride. The body. A lampstand. A family. The church has been described in many ways. The common theme in all these metaphors is that when we belong to the church, we are connected to something greater than ourselves. What exactly is it that we belong to and why? For what purpose? In this series we’ll explore what we can learn about the many facets of the church from Scripture and history. Then we’ll apply what we learn to the specific context of our local church family at Renew. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Refined By Fire, Week 8: The Day of the Lord
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Refined by Fire is our series in the books of 1 & 2 Peter! These powerful letters were written to early Christians facing persecution to remind them of the hope they have in Jesus and to encourage them to stand firm. Today, we conclude our "Refined by Fire" series as we focus in on 2nd Peter. Pastor Bartley Sawatsky will be speaking from 2 Peter 2:17-3:1-18 on the topic, "The Day of the Lord". Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.

Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Refined by Fire, Week 7: False Teachers - The Trial From Within the Church
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Refined by Fire is our series in the books of 1 & 2 Peter! These powerful letters were written to early Christians facing persecution to remind them of the hope they have in Jesus and to encourage them to stand firm. This week, Marek Kowalsky speaks from 2 Peter 2:1-16 on the topic, "False Teachers: The Trial From Within the Church". Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.

Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Refined by Fire, Week 6: 2 Things To Be Sure Of
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Refined by Fire is our series in the books of 1 & 2 Peter! These powerful letters were written to early Christians facing persecution to remind them of the hope they have in Jesus and to encourage them to stand firm. Today, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky starts the second half of our series, teaching on "2 Things To Be Sure Of" from 2 Peter 1:1-21. 2 Peter 1:1-21 emphasizes two things that believers can be sure of. Firstly, believers can be sure of their salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, who has given them everything they need for a godly life. Secondly, believers can be sure of the reliability and truth of the scriptures, which are inspired by God and provide guidance and direction for believers. Peter urges believers to continually grow in their faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, through practicing virtues such as goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. By doing so, believers can be assured of their calling and election as children of God, and will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.

Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Refined by Fire, Week 5: Suffering for Christ and Our Future Glory
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Refined by Fire is our series in the books of 1 & 2 Peter! These powerful letters were written to early Christians facing persecution to remind them of the hope they have in Jesus and to encourage them to stand firm. In this week's message, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky will be teaching on "Suffering for Christ and Our Future Glory" from 1 Peter 4:12-5:14. In this passage from 1 Peter, the author addresses the suffering that Christians may experience and encourages them to view it as an opportunity to glorify God. Peter writes that Christians should not be surprised by trials and suffering, as it is a common experience for followers of Christ. He also emphasizes that these struggles have a purpose, as they prepare us for future glory in heaven. The author encourages Christians to remain steadfast and faithful even in the face of persecution and suffering, reminding them that their reward will be great in heaven. Additionally, Peter writes that Christians should humble themselves under God's mighty hand and resist the devil, who seeks to harm them. The passage closes by offering a prayer for God's grace and peace to be upon the readers. Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.