
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Refined by Fire, Week 4: Suffering for Doing Good
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
We're continuing our series on the books of 1 & 2 Peter. These powerful letters were written to early Christians facing persecution to remind them of the hope they have in Jesus and to encourage them to stand firm. Today Discipleship Pastor Clint Bauman will be teaching on "Suffering for Doing Good" from 1 Peter 3:8-4:11. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Refined by Fire is our series in the books of 1 & 2 Peter! These powerful letters were written to early Christians facing persecution to remind them of the hope they have in Jesus and to encourage them to stand firm. In this week's message, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky speaks on The Beauty of Submission in a World that Resists Authority, from 1 Peter 2:11-3:7. This passage addresses the behaviour and attitude of believers in the early Christian community. The passage begins with a call for believers to abstain from sinful behavior and to live as "aliens and strangers" in the world, obedient to the laws of the land. It also encourages believers to maintain a good conscience and to avoid causing offense to others. In 3:1-7, the passage addresses the role of wives and husbands in the household, with the emphasis being on mutual respect and submission to one another. Overall, the passage emphasizes the importance of living a holy and exemplary life in the eyes of the world, and the importance of maintaining a peaceful and harmonious household. Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.

Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Refined by Fire, Week 2: A New Family Identity
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Refined by Fire is our series in the books of 1 & 2 Peter! These powerful letters were written to early Christians facing persecution to remind them of the hope they have in Jesus and to encourage them to stand firm. Today, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky focuses in on 1 Peter 1:13-2:10, with A New Family Identity. Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.

Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Refined by Fire, Week 1: A Song of Praise for Our Living Hope
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Refined by Fire is our series in the books of 1 & 2 Peter! These powerful letters were written to early Christians facing persecution to remind them of the hope they have in Jesus and to encourage them to stand firm. In this first week in the series, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky takes us into 1 Peter 1:1-2, when the apostle Peter writes to scattered Christian believers, reminding them of the hope they have in Jesus and encouraging them to live holy lives marked by sincere love for one another. He also reminds them that their faith has been tested through trials, which serve to refine and make it more precious. Finally, he urges them to be obedient and have clear consciences in order to honour God. Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.

Sunday Jan 01, 2023
2023: Do Not Be Afraid
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
In this first message of the year, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky explores the theme of not being afraid as we approach the year 2023. Many people may be feeling anxious or uncertain about what the future holds, but as believers, we can find peace and strength in our faith. Join us as we dive into biblical teachings and practical strategies for overcoming fear and living a life full of hope and purpose in the new year. We hope this message brings you encouragement and inspiration as you navigate the challenges of 2023. Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.

Sunday Dec 25, 2022
The Song of Christmas, Week 4: O Little Town of Bethlehem
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Some of our oldest and most beloved Christmas carols are rich in history, thoughtful in their theology and rooted in Scripture. For three Sundays, plus a special online Christmas service, we'll examine the story and spiritual impact of our Saviour's birth with a fresh look at some familiar carols.
Today, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky concludes our series with "O Little Town of Bethlehem".
Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.

Sunday Dec 18, 2022
The Song of Christmas, Week 3: Joy to the World
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Some of our oldest and most beloved Christmas carols are rich in history, thoughtful in their theology and rooted in Scripture. For three Sundays, plus a special online Christmas service, we'll examine the story and spiritual impact of our Saviour's birth with a fresh look at some familiar carols. Today, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky continues our series with "Joy to the World".

Sunday Dec 11, 2022
The Song of Christmas, Week 2: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Some of our oldest and most beloved Christmas carols are rich in history, thoughtful in their theology and rooted in Scripture. For three Sundays, plus a special online Christmas service, we'll examine the story and spiritual impact of our Saviour's birth with a fresh look at some familiar carols. Today, Pastor Barry Jones continues our series with "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing". Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.

Sunday Dec 04, 2022
The Song of Christmas, Week 1: O Come O Come Emmanuel
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Some of our oldest and most beloved Christmas carols are rich in history, thoughtful in their theology and rooted in Scripture. For three Sundays, plus a special online Christmas service, we'll examine the story and spiritual impact of our Saviour's birth with a fresh look at some familiar carols. Today, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky kicks off our series with "O Come O Come Emmanuel". Join us in person every Sunday at 4:00 pm at 7755 Tenth Line North, Mississauga, ON for a time of worship and teaching.

Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Faith Does, Week 5
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
We talk a lot about faith and about what it means to believe. But Jesus' brother, James, liked to talk not only about what faith IS, but about what faith DOES. James watched his brother, Jesus, in action, and he saw that real faith is always demonstrated in action. It's practical. Today, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky concludes our series focusing in James 5.