
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Genesis As History & Supernaturalism | Faith in Crisis Week 2
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
This week, Pastor Bartley looks into the validity of the Genesis creation account, the scientific basis for evolution, and the role of supernaturalism in support of Christian faith. Faith in North America is in crisis. A movement of "deconstruction" is taking place, as Christians dismantle their beliefs, often to never rebuild them again. Join us for this 6-part series on what is being called "Progressive Christianity." Understand the causes of deconstruction and learn how to defend historic Christian teachings with confidence.

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Progressive Christianity & Inerrancy of Scripture | Faith in Crisis Week 1
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
In week 1, Pastor Bartley lays the groundwork for progressive Christianity and begins discussing the inerrancy of Scripture.
Faith in North America is in crisis. A movement of "deconstruction" is taking place, as Christians dismantle their beliefs, often to never rebuild them again. Join us for this 6-part series on what is being called "Progressive Christianity." Understand the causes of deconstruction and learn how to defend historic Christian teachings with confidence.

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
The Garden of Your Mind: Win the Battle of Your Mind Week 6
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
In the series finale, Pastor Bartley will discuss the garden of your mind and how to maintain it.
Scripture: Romans 8:1-14
From Series: "Win the Battle of Your Mind"
The battle of your mind is an ongoing struggle against harmful thoughts that give way to fear, worry, insecurity, anxiety, temptation and envy. Many of us have been feeling that struggle more acutely over the 18 months since the pandemic began. This new 6-week series aims to teach us how to take those destructive thoughts captive and defend ourselves against the lies that create them. We'll be using Psalm 23 as the framework from which to learn how we can put our trust in Jesus, our Good Shepherd, to lead the battle.
Connect with us: https://renewchurch.ca/connect

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Grace That Silences Shame: Win the Battle of Your Mind Week 5
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
In week 5 of our series, Pastor Bartley talks talk about the power of grace to eliminate shame and guilt in those times when we fail and give the enemy a seat at our table.
From Series: "Win the Battle of Your Mind"
The battle of your mind is an ongoing struggle against harmful thoughts that give way to fear, worry, insecurity, anxiety, temptation and envy. Many of us have been feeling that struggle more acutely over the 18 months since the pandemic began. This new 6-week series aims to teach us how to take those destructive thoughts captive and defend ourselves against the lies that create them. We'll be using Psalm 23 as the framework from which to learn how we can put our trust in Jesus, our Good Shepherd, to lead the battle.
Scripture: John 21:1-14
Connect with us: https://renewchurch.ca/connect

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Take Every Thought Captive: Win the Battle of Your Mind Week 4
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
In week 4 of our series, Pastor Bartley gives practical steps to identifying and eliminating the lies that plague our minds.
From Series: "Win the Battle of Your Mind"
The battle of your mind is an ongoing struggle against harmful thoughts that give way to fear, worry, insecurity, anxiety, temptation and envy. Many of us have been feeling that struggle more acutely over the 18 months since the pandemic began. This new 6-week series aims to teach us how to take those destructive thoughts captive and defend ourselves against the lies that create them. We'll be using Psalm 23 as the framework from which to learn how we can put our trust in Jesus, our Good Shepherd, to lead the battle.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:1-5
Connect with us: https://renewchurch.ca/connect

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Deadly Lies Exposed: Win the Battle of Your Mind Week 3
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
In week 3 of our series, Pastor Bartley exposes five lies that the enemy uses to gain a seat at our table. Scripture: 2 Kings 6:8-22
From Series: "Win the Battle of Your Mind"
The battle of your mind is an ongoing struggle against harmful thoughts that give way to fear, worry, insecurity, anxiety, temptation and envy. Many of us have been feeling that struggle more acutely over the 18 months since the pandemic began. This new 6-week series aims to teach us how to take those destructive thoughts captive and defend ourselves against the lies that create them. We'll be using Psalm 23 as the framework from which to learn how we can put our trust in Jesus, our Good Shepherd, to lead the battle.
Connect with us: https://renewchurch.ca/connect

Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Who Is Your Enemy: Win the Battle of Your Mind Week 2
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
In the battle of the mind, who is our enemy? In week two of our series, we’ll learn how to identify the real enemy in order to protect ourselves against his attacks.
From Series: "Win the Battle of Your Mind"
The battle of your mind is an ongoing struggle against harmful thoughts that give way to fear, worry, insecurity, anxiety, temptation and envy. Many of us have been feeling that struggle more acutely over the 18 months since the pandemic began. This new 6-week series aims to teach us how to take those destructive thoughts captive and defend ourselves against the lies that create them. We'll be using Psalm 23 as the framework from which to learn how we can put our trust in Jesus, our Good Shepherd, to lead the battle.
Connect with us: https://renewchurch.ca/connect

Sunday Sep 19, 2021
A Table For Two: Win the Battle of Your Mind Week 1
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Lead Pastor Bartley Sawatsky kicks off our new series, Win the Battle of Your Mind with "A Table for Two"
From Series: "Win the Battle of Your Mind"
The battle of your mind is an ongoing struggle against harmful thoughts that give way to fear, worry, insecurity, anxiety, temptation and envy. Many of us have been feeling that struggle more acutely over the 18 months since the pandemic began. This new 6-week series aims to teach us how to take those destructive thoughts captive and defend ourselves against the lies that create them. We'll be using Psalm 23 as the framework from which to learn how we can put our trust in Jesus, our Good Shepherd, to lead the battle.
Connect with us: https://renewchurch.ca/connect

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
A companion podcast to our YOUnity series. Pastor Andrew discusses Unity between local churches with Pastor Chris Shipley from Hope Church Mississauga.

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
S3.E1. Renew Church Podcast | Unity in Diversity
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
A companion podcast to our YOUnity series. Pastor Andrew Wood of the Milton Campus sits down with two young adults, Luke and Deandra to discuss unity amongst diversity in the local church.