
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
EASTER: Just another conspiracy theory?
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
In a world of fake news, it’s getting harder every day to establish what’s really true. For many, the resurrection of Jesus can seem hard to believe – as if it’s just another deception among many. This Easter, we’ll wrestle with belief and doubt, seek truth and hope as we explore the profound implications of the potential reality of Jesus rising from the dead. This week, Pastor Bartley speaks on "EASTER: Just Another Conspiracy Theory?" ------ We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line West, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Identity & Community / Jacob Troughton — Youth Director
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Jacob Troughton, Youth Director at Renew Church, unravels the profound themes of Identity & Community. Discover how our identities are intricately crafted by God, filled with unique emotions and characteristics that align with our spiritual journey. Jacob encourages the youth to see themselves through the lens of divine love and purpose, emphasizing the power of community in fostering personal growth and a deeper connection with God. Join us in this enlightening message that will inspire you to explore your own identity in the context of Christian faith and fellowship. ------ We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line West, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Does God make people just to destroy them? ROMANS Week 18
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Pastor Bartley Sawatsky continues our series on Romans, as we look at Romans 9:19-10:4, and speaks on: Does God make people just to destroy them? In Romans 9:19-10:4, Paul continues his discourse on God's sovereignty, addressing a hypothetical question about whether God unjustly blames people for their disobedience when He Himself orchestrates their destinies. He reaffirms God's sovereign right to show mercy or harden hearts, illustrating His patience and wrath through the vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath. Paul then transitions to discuss Israel's current state, highlighting that despite God's clear communication through the law and the prophets, Israel has not achieved righteousness because they pursued it through works, not faith. He contrasts this with the Gentiles, who attained righteousness through faith. In Romans 10:1-4, Paul expresses his heartfelt desire for Israel's salvation, critiquing their misunderstanding of Christ's role in fulfilling the law's righteousness, underscoring that righteousness comes from believing in Christ, not from adherence to the law. ABOUT THE SERIES Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is widely loved among followers of Jesus as one of the most theologically rich books in the entire Bible. Its themes of salvation, grace and faith have resonated deeply with readers in different times, places and circumstances. As we take a fresh look at the book of Romans for our day, we’ll take our time to journey through the text, ask thoughtful questions and allow it to kindle our faith and love for Jesus. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line West, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Does God's sovereignty eliminate my free will? ROMANS Week 17
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Nathan Bryant continues our series on Romans, as we look at Romans 9:1-18, and Nathan speaks on: Does God's sovereignty eliminate my free will? In Romans 9:1-18, Paul addresses the complex relationship between God's sovereignty and human free will through the lens of God's dealings with Israel. He emphasizes God's sovereign choice in electing individuals or nations for His purposes, as seen in His preferential selection of Isaac over Ishmael and Jacob over Esau, based not on human actions but on His own will. This raises questions about the role of human free will, suggesting that while humans make choices, these occur within the framework of God's overarching sovereign plan. Paul illustrates this with the metaphor of the potter and the clay, indicating that God has the authority to shape His creation according to His divine purpose. This passage highlights that God's choices are paramount and are made for reasons beyond human understanding, suggesting that human free will operates under divine sovereignty. ABOUT THE SERIES Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is widely loved among followers of Jesus as one of the most theologically rich books in the entire Bible. Its themes of salvation, grace and faith have resonated deeply with readers in different times, places and circumstances. As we take a fresh look at the book of Romans for our day, we’ll take our time to journey through the text, ask thoughtful questions and allow it to kindle our faith and love for Jesus. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line West, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Can I be hopeful about the future? ROMANS Week 16
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Pastor Bartley Sawatsky continues our series on Romans. Today we are looking at Romans 8:18-39, as Pastor Bartley speaks on: Can I be hopeful about the future? Romans 8:18-39 emphasizes the glory that awaits believers, contrasting current sufferings with future splendor. It highlights the Spirit's role in aiding and interceding for believers, assures that all things work for the good of those who love God, and proclaims that nothing can separate believers from God's love in Christ Jesus, affirming their ultimate victory over all challenges. ABOUT THE SERIES Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is widely loved among followers of Jesus as one of the most theologically rich books in the entire Bible. Its themes of salvation, grace and faith have resonated deeply with readers in different times, places and circumstances. As we take a fresh look at the book of Romans for our day, we’ll take our time to journey through the text, ask thoughtful questions and allow it to kindle our faith and love for Jesus. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line West, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Feb 25, 2024
How do I live in step with the Spirit? ROMANS Week 15
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Pastor Bartley Sawatsky continues our series on Romans, looking at Romans 8:1-17, as he speaks on: How do I live in step with the Spirit? Romans 7:7-25 discusses the struggle with sin and the law. Paul explains that the law is not sinful, but it makes people aware of sin. He describes a personal struggle, wanting to do good but often doing what he hates because of sin's power. Paul highlights the conflict between the desire to obey God's law and the reality of human weakness, leading to a cry for deliverance from this condition, which sets the stage for the solution found in Jesus Christ. ABOUT THE SERIES Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is widely loved among followers of Jesus as one of the most theologically rich books in the entire Bible. Its themes of salvation, grace and faith have resonated deeply with readers in different times, places and circumstances. As we take a fresh look at the book of Romans for our day, we’ll take our time to journey through the text, ask thoughtful questions and allow it to kindle our faith and love for Jesus. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line West, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Why is doing the right thing so difficult? ROMANS Week 14
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
Pastor Bartley Sawatsky continues our series on Romans. This week we look at Romans 7:7-25, as Pastor Bartley speaks on: Why is doing the right thing so difficult? Romans 7:7-25 discusses the struggle with sin and the law. Paul explains that the law is not sinful, but it makes people aware of sin. He describes a personal struggle, wanting to do good but often doing what he hates because of sin's power. Paul highlights the conflict between the desire to obey God's law and the reality of human weakness, leading to a cry for deliverance from this condition, which sets the stage for the solution found in Jesus Christ. ABOUT THE SERIES Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is widely loved among followers of Jesus as one of the most theologically rich books in the entire Bible. Its themes of salvation, grace and faith have resonated deeply with readers in different times, places and circumstances. As we take a fresh look at the book of Romans for our day, we’ll take our time to journey through the text, ask thoughtful questions and allow it to kindle our faith and love for Jesus. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line West, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Are Christians free from the Law or not? ROMANS Week 13
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Pastor Bartley Sawatsky continues our series on Romans. This week we are diving into chapter 7, focusing on verses 1-6, as Pastor Bartley speaks on: Are Christians from from the Law or not? Romans 7:1-6 uses a marriage analogy to explain how believers are no longer bound by the law because of Christ's death and resurrection. Just as a widow is not bound by the law to her deceased husband, Christians are not bound by the law but are free to serve God in a new way through the Spirit. This shift from living under the law to living under grace enables believers to bear fruit for God. ABOUT THE SERIES Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is widely loved among followers of Jesus as one of the most theologically rich books in the entire Bible. Its themes of salvation, grace and faith have resonated deeply with readers in different times, places and circumstances. As we take a fresh look at the book of Romans for our day, we’ll take our time to journey through the text, ask thoughtful questions and allow it to kindle our faith and love for Jesus. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line West, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Is it true that we all serve somebody? ROMANS Week 12
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Pastor Bartley Sawatsky continues our series on Romans, finishing chapter 6, focusing on verses 15-23. Romans 6:15-23 highlights the concept that believers are no longer under the dominion of sin but are servants of righteousness through their faith in Jesus Christ. It emphasizes the gift of eternal life through Christ's sacrifice, underscoring the importance of living a life dedicated to God and free from sin. ABOUT THE SERIES Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is widely loved among followers of Jesus as one of the most theologically rich books in the entire Bible. Its themes of salvation, grace and faith have resonated deeply with readers in different times, places and circumstances. As we take a fresh look at the book of Romans for our day, we’ll take our time to journey through the text, ask thoughtful questions and allow it to kindle our faith and love for Jesus. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line West, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!

Sunday Jan 28, 2024
If God already accepts me, why can't I just go on sinning? ROMANS Week 11
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Pastor Bartley Sawatsky continues our series on Romans, finishing chapter 6, focusing on verses 1-14. The Apostle Paul's writing underscores the centrality of faith by weaving together themes of redemption through Jesus, the transformative power of grace and freedom from the bondage of sin. ABOUT THE SERIES Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is widely loved among followers of Jesus as one of the most theologically rich books in the entire Bible. Its themes of salvation, grace and faith have resonated deeply with readers in different times, places and circumstances. As we take a fresh look at the book of Romans for our day, we’ll take our time to journey through the text, ask thoughtful questions and allow it to kindle our faith and love for Jesus. We meet at 4:00 pm in person every Sunday afternoon at 7755 Tenth Line West, Mississauga. We'd love to meet you and invite you to join us there!